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Park Bo-young (박보영) is a South Korean actress. Born on February 12, 1990, she first debuted with a supporting role in the television series Secret Campus (2006) and continued playing minor roles in television until her breakout role as a teenaged single mother reconnecting with her celebrity father in the comedy Scandal Makers (2008). In 2010, she took a short hiatus after being involved in legal disputes with her then-management agency and a film production company. The fantasy romance A Werewolf Boy (2012) marked Park's return to the spotlight, becoming one of the most successful Korean melodramas of all time. In 2015, she made her comeback to television, with dual roles in supernatural romance Oh My Ghost, making Park one of the highest paid actresses on television. Other notable works include one of the highest-rated Korean cable dramas of all time, Strong Woman Do Bong Soon (2017), and romantic film On Your Wedding Day (2018), which became the most watched romance film in South Korea the year it was released. Park had an eventful 2023, after starring in the disaster thriller Concrete Utopia, South Korea's official international feature submission for the 96th Academy Awards, and the Netflix Original series Daily Dose of Sunshine— receiving a number of Best Actress nominations for both, the latter garnering her a win at the 3rd Blue Dragon Series Awards. In 2024, she starred in the Disney+ Original series Light Shop.